We are able to provide reproductive services to mares on the farm or at our clinic. Mares being bred live cover, or artificially with shipped cooled or frozen semen are evaluated in a timely fashion using our portable ultrasound machines.
Pregnancy checks are done on time so that if twins are detected, reduction can be accomplished. If the mare has not conceived, our veterinarians are ready at that time to tee the mare up for the next cycle.
Infertility in mares can be very frustrating and we are able to perform uterine cytology, culture and biopsy along with uterine endoscopy in order to diagnose the reason for inability to conceive or failure to maintain pregnancy.
Attention to mare care during the prenatal period with vaccination, feeding recommendations and pregnancy support is available. Emergency care is available 24/7 and we respond with multiple veterinarians to any dystocia call. Mares not passing the placenta within three hours of foaling are seen on an urgent basis so that the risk of future infertility, sepsis and founder is reduced.
We strongly encourage examination of all foals within 24-36 hours of birth to ensure that things are going well and to test the blood for adequate consumption and absorption of colostrum. Foals that are not meeting their milestones are triaged according to their needs. We provide substantial neonatal support on farms with IV catheterization, IV fluids, splinting, nasogastric intubation for supplemental feeding and appropriate antibiotic therapies.