Tel: (585) 889-1170
Emergency Care/Consent for Treatment Release
The veterinarians at Genesee Valley Equine Clinic provide emergency care and perform procedures like dentistry, reproductive examinations, assisted deliveries, wound care, nerve blocks, joint injections, biopsies, vaccinations and diagnostic imaging for horses on a daily basis. All these services carry inherent risks. Sometimes the urgency of the situation prevents the owner from attending the procedure. At other times the owner of the horse may live in a different area or be out of town.We want to give your horses the veterinary attention you want in ANY circumstance.If an emergency arises or an invasive procedure is necessary, we will always try to contact you. We will explain the known risks, give you an estimate of costs, and discuss the prognosis of the situation. In the event that we are unable to reach you, we ask that you complete this release. The release authorizes us to provide veterinary care in your absence and allows you to let us know if there is anything that you do not give us permission to do. THANK YOU!
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